Ray of Light

Reiki Classes

Most people begin their Reiki Journey with Usui Reiki, followed by various other types of Reiki if desired. For further information on the many types of Reiki, see below. 


Usui Reiki I Class – Price £108
Learn Reiki History, what Reiki is, meditations, Hara Breathing, how to do Reiki on oneself & others. Includes three Attunements, manual & certificate.

Usui Reiki II Class – Price £175
Learn how to do Distance Reiki, Scanning, use Reiki Symbols & Mantras, the human energy field & the chakra system. Includes hands on practice using the mantras, symbols & scanning. Includes three Attunements & a guided chakra meditation.

Usui Master – (ART (Advanced Reiki Training)  Price £250
This class is geared towards those who want to learn more about Reiki. This class gives you specific skills for you to use in your Reiki practice which are fun to learn & very powerful. You will learn how to make & use a crystal grid, do aura clearing. Includes Reiki Meditations & the last of the Reiki symbols, the Master symbol .

Usui Teacher Level – Price £500
Learn how to teach people Usui Reiki, what that requires & how to give Attunements. This class is taught over several days. This level includes a essay, & questions & the student demonstrating what they have learned during the class. I can combine the Master & Teacher Levels

Animal Reiki Level I – Price £150
This class is the first level for learning Reiki & working with animals. Students will learn the Reiki history, Reiki precepts,, meditations and the protocol for working with animals. The student will learn basic hand positions for Reiki self-care and for treating friends and family, the focus will be on treating animals.The student will gain the basic knowledge for doing Reiki on any animal

Animal Reiki Level II – Price £200
This class will introduce the first three Reiki symbols for use with animals and people. Includes the human energy field & the chakra system. Meditation techniques will be practiced. There will be plenty of practice time with animals.

Animal Reiki Master/Teacher – Price £400
This class will meet over two days. The student will learn how to give attunements, structure a class. Includes Master Symbol & how to use it. This class prepares the student how to teach Animal Reiki & what that entails

After you have completed Usui Reiki Level II you can learn Usui Holy Fire Master – Usui Holy Fire Reiki III Master – £330


Karuna Reiki I & II – Price £200
In order to take the Practitioner Level it is required you have completed the ART Reiki Training . Karuna Reiki means the Reiki of Compassion. This type of Reiki was founded by William Lee Rand (www.reiki.org.). You learn how to use the different Karuna Reiki symbols & what they mean. These symbols are very powerful & specific. (Manual Included.) This is a two day class.

Karuna Reiki Master/Teacher – Price £300
Learn how to teach Karuna Reiki & give Attunements & use the symbols. (Manual Included.) The student will demonstrate what they have learned.

Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki Master – £330  A New Reiki Energy
A New Reiki Energy Holy Fire® Reiki is a new form of Reiki that was introduced by William Lee Rhand. It is both powerful and gentle and provides purification, healing, empowerment and guidance. It can be included as part of the Usui Reiki classes and can also be added to Karuna Reiki® training. Holy Fire® energy is noticeably more refined and comes from a higher level of consciousness. Works continuously even when not thinking about it and spontaneously heals issues as they come up. Always respects free will. Heals deeply and quickly without distress. Heals relationships and interactions with others. Releases worry and replaces it with a sense of safety in a most pronounced way. Spontaneously provides guidance that is palatable for every level of life experience. Tends to develop all the personality traits that are healthy for a person to have such as love of self and others, kindness, patience, confidence, vitality, enthusiasm, optimism, trust, joy, peace and so forth. One of the more wonderful effects is a feeling of being loved. This is a deep and refined feeling that is very nurturing. Once received, it continues to develop itself to be more evolved and effective. Holy Fire® is the registered service mark of William Lee Rand. (ICRT.)

Shamballa Multidimensional Healing  Levels I & II – Price £200
This includes the first two of four Levels. Learn the history of Shamballa, how to use Shamballa & the chakra system, hand positions & the first Shamballa symbol. Shamballa is referred to as Multidimensional as it focuses on wholeness. We all have various aspects of ourselves that as we work with Shamballa come up for us to work through, such as physical pain, emotional issues, grief. Shamballa is a blend of energies that allow a focus healing starting with yourself. Each Level includes a Attunement. Shamballa is very grounding & the symbols used are very powerful in assisting with healing on all levels – mental, emotional & physical. Shamballa Level II – includes symbols for distance healing, MAP session, heart mediation, clearing houses.

Shamballa Multidimensional Healing Master/Teacher – Price £400
Includes learning more symbols, includes lots of meditations, how to teach Shamballa & give Attunements. Student will demonstrate what they have learned.

Sekhem (Egyptian) Reiki

In order to learn Sekhem Reiki you have to done Master Reiki training. Sekhem means “spiritual might or authority.” It stems from Egypt and Atlantis and is a very strong energy. Sekhem Reiki consists of five Levels.

Sekhem Reiki Levels I and II – Price £150
Can be taught together. In this Class you learn about the origins of Sekhem, the Egyptian Goddesses of Sekhem Reiki, the symbols of these two Levels, how to give a Sekhem Reiki treatment and a Attunement for each Level.

Sekhem Advanced Level – Price £150
Includes the symbols for this Level, a Attunement and delving deeper into this practice with the new tools you learn.

Sekhem  Reiki Master – Price £195
Earn the final set of symbols and receive a Attunement. This is the last Level unless you wish to become a Sekhem Reiki Master Teacher. With Sekhem Reiki it goes very deep and it releases a lot of the old stuff and it works on very deep mental and emotional level. Blocks that often would hold you back are released.

Sekhem Reiki Master Teacher – Price £550 
Learn how to teach Sekhem Reiki.

Seichim Reiki

Seichim Reiki – Level 1  – £95

& Seichim Reiki Level 2 – £135

Levels I & II combined: £170 (save £60)
Learn the History & Philosophy of Seichim. Become attuned to this amazing energy. Learn all about the Seichim Symbols and how to use them. Find out how to combine Reiki & Seichim. Connect with Ascended Masters & Archangels. Open your heart to LOVE with deep meditations and exercises using the Seichim energy.

Seichim Reiki Master –  £210
Enhance your connection to the Seichim Energies with this Master Level workshop and attunement, and further increase your light and growth. Work with The Brotherhood of LIGHT including St Germain and the Violet Flame, Mother Mary, Hilarion, Archangel Raphael, Lady Nada and more Ascended Masters. Create greater balance between the masculine energies of Reiki and the feminine energies of Seichim. Scanning techniques are included to help further develop your awareness of the aura and the flow of energy. Learn the ancient Egyptian Pyramid Healing Technique.

SEICHIM   Reiki TEACHER  – £550
Train to become a fully qualified SEICHIM TEACHER
Prerequisite: Students must have completed Seichim levels 1, 2 and Master levels
Teacher level will include all the required materials to teach each level of Seichim Reiki.